Welcome to the Rhode Island Construction Training Academy

2023 National Electrical Code Course 

Although the March 29th and 30th class is full, we added another date!! 

May 17th and 18th

To register please go under the courses tab, select 15-hour code class, and the drop-down box will have the May date. 

This course reviews important changes to the 2023 National Electrical Code as well as Rhode Island and Massachusetts amendments. 

To register please email [email protected] or call (401) 205-2053.

**Disclaimer: As of 2/28/2025 the 2023 code has not yet been adopted in Rhode Island but has been adopted and implemented in Massachusetts. Any references to the 2023 code are for informational purposes only and may not reflect the current regulations in Rhode Island. Please consult with the appropriate local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) to confirm compliance with applicable codes. 

2023 Electrical Code Course

   The next open course will be May 17th & 18th

            When: March 17th & 18th 2025 Saturday/Sunday (must attend both days)

Where: 249 Roosevelt Ave Pawtucket, RI Lower Level

Time: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

          Breakfast & Lunch provided both days

            Cost: $200 per person 


Visit our affiliate Rhode Island Chapter

        Apprenticeship Instructors Wanted

RICTA is currently looking for instructors in following trades carpentry, HVAC, pipefitting, sheet metal, and sprinkler fitting. classes are 2 nights per week and can be scheduled either Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday nights.  class time is 6:00 - 9:00 pm and takes place at the Roosevelt Avenue facility in Pawtucket. see help wanted flyer.  want to fill out an application? application for instructors


RICTA requires the person carry a license a minimum of 5 years.

Please consider joining our team to train the future technicians in carpentry, HVAC, pipefitting, sheet metal or sprinkler fitting industry.  see help wanted flyer.

Contact Nicole at 401.305.3510 ext. 10 or [email protected] to apply or for more information.

2025/2026 Apprentice Class Registration

RICTA will open registration in May 2025 for the upcoming school year of 2025/2026, to begin in September.  Classes will take place at the schools’ location of 249 Roosevelt Avenue, Lower Level, Pawtucket, RI.  The registration deadline will be Friday August 22, 2025. It can be returned by mail, email, fax or dropped off at the office.

Through the Doors of RICTA

Pass the Hands That Build America!


Veterans have options with benefits they have earned. Please see the following website for details. https://riopc.edu/services/help-for-students/

For information about using your Apprenticeship benefits, please contact the RI State Approving Agency at  [email protected] or 401-736-1164.

About Us

R I Construction Training Academy (RICTA) has been training apprentices in Rhode Island since 1992.  RICTA is a state approved apprenticeship program.  The curriculum used Contren Learning Series has been developed by the NCCER* 

Learn More >


The apprenticeship classes are designed to meet the state requirement of training, 144 hours each year.  Upon completion of the program along with on-the-job training hours, the student will be eligible to register for the state license exam.

Learn More >


Multiple scholarships are available to anyone interested in entering into the Merit Shop construction industry.

Learn more >

Monday/Wednesday Classes

2024/2025 Classes for Monday/Wednesday 

to begin September 4, 2024 @ 6:00pm

Schedule: Click Here

Carpentry Levels 3 & 4

Electric Level 1

Electric Level 3 & 4

HVAC/Refrigeration Level 1

Pipefitting Level 1

Sheet Metal Level 2

Sheet Metal Levels 3 & 4

Sprinkler Fitting Levels 3 & 4



Tuesday/Thursday Classes

2024/2025 Classes for Tuesday/Thursday

to begin September 10, 2024 @ 6:00 pm

Schedule: Click Here

Carpentry Levels 1 & 2

Electric Level 2

HVAC/Refrigeration Levels 2, 3, 4, and 5

Pipefitting Levels 2, 3 & 4

Sheet Metal Level 1

Sprinkler Fitting Levels 1 & 2